Large architectural elements
The large size of the marble pieces displayed in this room make it possible to appreciate the monumentality of the architectural orders of the Forum of Augustus and, above all, the great variety of marble that was used.

The interiors of the buildings, in complete contrast to the main square where white Luna (now Carrara) marble was pre-eminent, were enriched with wall facings and paving in various types of marble that were also used in the columns of the architectural orders. A whole range of brightly coloured marbles were supplied by vast quarries - that became Imperial property during this period - from all corners of the Roman Empire.
This room is home to a lesene shaft (semi-column) in antique yellow marble from the quarries in Chemtou (modern-day Algeria), that comes from the second order of the exedra, as well as the echinus from the shaft of a column located between the porticoes, the exedra made of marble from Africa and the Greek Island of Teos, as well as the shaft of a pilaster in (green) Cipollino marble.
- Semi-grooved column shaft (upper extremity, or upper scape).
From the second order between exedra and arcades of the Forum of Augustus.
African marble.
FA 141
- Grooved shaft of half pilaster (upper end or upper scape).
From the second order of the back wall of the exedra of the arcades of the Forum of Augustus.
Ancient yellow marble.
FA 701
- Grooved shaft of pillar (upper end, or upper scape).
From the order of framing of the niche on the back wall of the exedra of the arcades of the Forum of Augustus. Cipolin marble.
FA 11