The Bookshop
The Trajan's Markets bookstore is located in the first taberna of the monumental complex, one of the best preserved archaeological remains of Imperial Rome.
Both a short bilingual guide (Italian / English) and a more detailed publication in Italian and English are available, documenting the complexity of the site and the Museum of the Imperial Forum with images and reconstructions.

A handy pocket guide, 113 AD Trajan, the column of the empire was also created by the publisher Palombi on the occasion of the 1900th anniversary of the inauguration of the Trajan column, which took place in 113 AD; there is also the volume 312 AD a bridge between antiquity and the Middle Ages of the same format and with the same editorial features, published for the celebrations of the battle of Ponte Milvio between the troops of Maxentius and those of Constantine.
The museum's editorial kit also offers a wide selection of guides in the most popular languages, archaeological, historical, art and architecture texts, for both professionals and enthusiasts. It is also possible to find a selection of books and games dedicated to children.
On the occasion of each new exhibition, the library is renewed, offering specific publications according to the topics covered.
Inside, a kind and expert support staff helps visitors not only for an immediate (direct) purchase, but also offering the possibility to order titles and items on request, even to be home delivered.
Payment can be made in cash, credit card or debit card.
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Phone 06 69923521