Restoration works were directed at recovering the functionality of the complex to permit the permanent location of the Museum of the Imperial Forums within it. The museum’s finality is to maintain the highest possible profile for the monuments of the Roman Forums.

With this vision in mind difficult problems related to maintaining the integrity of the monument but making the site practical had to be resolved. First of all was the closure of the Great Hall on its main front and back sides. The ancient structure needed protection against polluting elements but at the same had to be kept visible. The solution found consists of using a modular system of large compound plastic panels.
Restoration started in the Great Hall showed how damaging atmospheric pollution is to ancient structures in not closing the hall before 2002 contaminated air had accelerate decay. The cleaning of the vaults has in fact brought to light damage to the cement works superior to that initially estimated.
The Central Body, a feature of the last floor preserved with its original vault coverings and 15th century internal decretive frescos had part of its original coverings rediscovered whilst covering placed during the 1930s were consolidated.