Piece from the shaft of a fluted column with arrow-tip motif

Frammento di fusto di colonna scanalato, decorato con punte di freccia
From the Augustan Era: 2 BC
Material and technique: 
Pavonazzetto marble
FA 5460 e FA 5461

Piece from the body of a fluted column with arrow-tip motif (from the top of the column) reconstructed from two pieces that fit together

The hall

Decorazione interna del Tempio di Marte Ultore

As one moves away from the white marble of the outside of the temple and beyond the pronaos (the space in front of the inner sanctuary), one is greeted by the colours of the strips of polychrome marble paving. Continuing on into the cella, which is accessed by a large doorway, the magnificence of the various coloured marbles and the detail of the decorative elements is immediately apparent.