Partial reconstruction of a relief featuring a bowl (kantharos), theatrical mask, panther and vine tendrils

Ricomposizione parziale di rilievo con vaso (kantharos), maschera teatrale, pantera e tralci di vite
From the Trajan Era: 113 AD
Material and technique: 
Original pieces in Proconnesian marble, integrated with others in limestone
Foro di Cesare
cfr. singoli frammenti originali

Partial reconstruction of a relief (FC 3531 – 3536) featuring a bowl (kantharos), theatrical mask, panther and vine tendrils using two original pieces that fit together integrated with others in limestone. Part of the decoration inside the cella in the Temple of Venus Genetrix in Caesar's Forum

The hall

Decorazione interna del Tempio di Venere Genitrice

The interior of the Temple of Venus Genetrix was also richly embellished and pieces of other panels with cherub-like figures are displayed. In one, they can be seen amidst upside-down Acanthus bushes getting ready for dinner, busy decorating candelabra, whilst other, somewhat smaller panels show single figures in different poses. Another panel in relief features a large bowl positioned above a theatrical mask and a panther with dappled fur – a clear reference to Dionysus.